Full Name |
Kai MacLaurin |
Age |
16 |
Hair Colour |
Very Dark Brown |
Eye Colour |
Ice Blue |
Height |
5'5" |
Element |
Darkness |
Partner |
Colchimon |
Personality |
Kai is a loner; quiet and somewhat antisocial. He can usually be seen tagging along behind everybody else; always keeping up with them, but rarely talking with them. When he does pipe up, he's very blunt, and often shows a snide sense of humour. He can hold a conversation if he’s spoken to, but he prefers to stay away from the group with only Colchimon for company.
He has a tendency to bottle his problems. If he has an issue, he tries to solve it on his own, and gets easily frustrated when others interfere, although he rarely raises his voice. However if others are in danger he will always step in at the last moment, and try and direct the enemy’s attention to him. He never begins a battle, but he never holds back for too long. He goes all out when attacking, and can sometimes go too far.
Although Kai may seem uncaring and distant, he does in fact worry about the others a lot, and more importantly he respects them completely. He also has an incredible interest in the Digital World itself, although he often appears to be distracted by something, which becomes particularly evident in conversation. Strange and detached he may be, but Kai has a sense of duty that will keep him fighting to the very end, no matter how difficult it becomes.
Family |
- Geoffrey Price - Uncle
- Kelly Price - Aunt
- Maddie Price - Younger Cousin
- Strachan Price - Younger Cousin
- Daniel Price - Younger Cousin
Trivia |
- He's fascinated by old literature and plans on writing a book himself when he's older. He already has several novels planned out.
- Kai spends most of his time at his computer, playing games or trying to plan out future stories.
- He likes board games, especially Scrabble, which he's 'annoyingly good at', according to his cousins.
- When not at home or school, he spends a lot of time down the local gym, usually on the rowing machine or the treadmill.
- He's had a tamagotchi since he was a child, which he still plays with once in a while.
Pronunciation |
DOCK-ah-mon |
Name Origin |
Dökkálfar, the dark elves of Norse mythology |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Rogue |
Stage |
Hybrid Champion |
Attribute |
Free |
Height |
6'0" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
Dokkamon is one with the shadows he wields. He's a warrior of few words who skillfully takes down his enemies with precision strikes and a cold heart. His bound face never shows any emotion or remorse, with the exception of his eyes, which perpetually betray Dokkamon’s true feelings.
Kai hates this form, especially in front of others, but he feels he must learn to control it for the sake of helping out. It does give him an incredible amount of power, but becoming Dokkamon also puts Kai under an incredible amount of emotional stress, and when he loses his temper, he can struggle to distinguish between friend and foe.
Attacks |
- Cataclysm Rend - Dokkamon releases trails of shadow from the blades on his wrists and the ribbons over his body, which he uses to slash and slice into his enemies.
- Dark Deluge - Dokkamon dematerialises and phases into his opponent's head, infesting their mind and causing them horrific visions. The effects can range from anything between light paralysis to completely shattering his opponent's mind, and the attack's power depends on Dokkamon's emotional state.
Trivia |
His entire body is made of living shadow, which can take on a solid or a gaseous form, and by concentrating he can phase entirely through solid objects. The gems adorning his body actually glow brighter the darker his surroundings. By using his shadows to launch himself, he can 'tread air', allowing him to effectively fly around his opponents and lay deadly blade attacks upon them.
Pronunciation |
ZVAR-tahl-mon |
Name Origin |
Svartalfheim, home of the dark elves in Norse Mythology |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Disruption |
Stage |
Hybrid Ultimate |
Attribute |
Free |
Height |
9'1" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
With an empty heart and a brutal streak, Svartalmon is controlled solely by his own emotions. He is witty and intelligent, but is not a slave to logic. He respects the ideals of others, but refuses to stay his hand because of them. He understands the power and meaning of compassion, but has no eyes for anybody but himself.
As such he will aim to kill without reason, no matter the circumstances in becoming him, and will never gain anything from the act; no satisfaction, pleasure or guilt, only a need to keep causing strife. His ultimate goal is destruction, and he will stop at nothing to reach it, and as such holds his greatest contempt for the beings of light who seek to impose order and judgement.
Attacks |
- Umbral Decimation - Svartalmon spins his scythe into an orb of darkness, which explodes, releasing pure destructive energy.
- Shadowmancer - Svartalmon calls upon all shadows in the area, moulding them with his hands and scythe into blades, walls, spears and all manner of weapons and defenses.
Trivia |
Svartalmon is incredibly quick and agile, and can use the shadows around him to attack from literally every direction. He has keen senses and can home in on an opponent from a great distance. His scythe can be formed from any shadow around him, and despite its size he can wield it with ease to deliver lethal blows.
Pronunciation |
Az-TRAY-us-mon |
Name Origin |
Astraeus, Greek Titan-god of dusk |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Dark Angel |
Stage |
Hybrid Mega |
Attribute |
Free |
Height |
7'8" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
With two beings joined in harmony, Astraeusmon is finally at peace with his element. He's still destructive, powerful and a wicked fighter, but he is in complete control of his emotions and, as such, his heroic nature is given the chance to shine through.
He's a warrior of few words, relying more on his actions to show his feelings. He can be quite blunt when he does speak, although he does have a dry sense of humour. Between him and Eosmon, he is the more aggressive, but will rush to her and anyone else's aid at a moment's notice
Attacks |
- Cimmerian Phoenix - Astraeusmon summons a dragon of dark energy, which charges his opponent, blasting their data away with each impact.
- Fury of the Void - Astraeusmon calls forth a dark void that he can move like liquid, smothering his opponents and causing extra damage every time he strikes them.
- Shadow Nova - Astraeusmon launches a blast from his twin-headed spear, which causes an explosion of shadow, dissolving anything in its immediate vicinity and launching spears of darkness far and wide.
- Chaos Quetzal - A joint attack with Eosmon. Summons his Cimmerian Phoenix and combines it with her Empyrean Serpent to create a chaotic entity capable of obliterating their opponents from the inside out.
Trivia |
Astraeusmon is incredible agile and is a skilled melee fighter, but relies on his mastery over darkness to power up his attacks and cause an incredible amount of damage. He works best with Eosmon, the two of them synchronising their movements to come at their opponents from two directions at once.