Pronunciation |
KOL-kee-mon |
Name Origin |
Colchian dragon, Greek mythological dragon which guards the golden fleece. |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Dragon |
Stage |
Rookie |
Attribute |
Virus |
Height |
3'1" |
Element |
Darkness |
Partner |
Kai |
Personality |
Being a Digimon of Darkness has never bothered Colchimon; he is very controlled and calculating. Similar to his partner, he rarely raises his voice, and he is very slow to anger. The thing that will rile him up the most is when those he’s close to are threatened, or insulted, and he’ll be the one to step in on their behalf. When he is angered he can unleash devastating power, but he will only ever go as far as he needs to, aware of others.
Colchimon is Kai’s only connection to reality, and is the only one who he will freely talk to. Colchimon is loyal to Kai up to a point, but will only ever act in his best interests. If he feels his partner is taking something too far, he will say so and refuse to proceed. However he does respect Kai and tries to help him whenever he can, even willing to sacrifice a lot that he holds dear.
Colchimon and Ladomon have a relationship much like that of a brother and sister, each one supports and protects the other. Out of the two Colchimon is the more confident, and is quicker to take action, usually with Ladomon following close behind him, sometimes against her better judgement. Colchimon often finds his job incredibly difficult, but he refuses to ever take the easy way out, fighting hard, remaining calm and staying dedicated to the very end.
Attacks |
- Shadow Blade - Colchimon’s tail extends with a dark aura, and he swings it at his opponent.
- Paralysis Pulse - Colchimon releases a sphere of energy, which slows the movement of whatever it touches.
Trivia |
Colchimon has excellent vision, and can see even better in the dark than he can in the light. His movements are smooth and liquid, and he is agile enough to slip through tiny cracks and coil himself around the thinnest branch. During the day though, he prefers to rest and catch a cheeky ride on somebody else's back or shoulders.
Pronunciation |
ACK-roh-mon |
Name Origin |
Achromatic, without colour. |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Wyrm |
Stage |
Champion |
Attribute |
Virus |
Height |
7'9" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
Nightmarish in appearance, Achromon is nonetheless noble and considerate, much like his Rookie form. In terms of raw power he is the strongest of the six partners, but he shows a great deal of restraint and prefers to support than to rush straight into battle.
Despite his calm demeanour he can still show hints of his natural malevolence, particularly when it comes to the finishing blow, though it's never more than is necessary to win the day. Outside of battle he’s actually quite outgoing, and has a bright outlook on life that spreads to those around him.
Attacks |
- Abyssal Beam - Achromon fires a jet-black beam at his opponent from his mouth. The beam slowly disintegrates wherever it hits.
- Darkfire Pulse - Achromon throws back his wings, throwing two blade-like pulses of dark aura which surround and burn the opponent.
Trivia |
Despite being skeletal, his wings give him incredible speed and agility in flight. The purple jewels covering his body emit the small amount of light that enters his body, keeping him almost purely shadow. He prefers to attack from a range, but if forced into close combat he can use his claws and crescent blade to perform lethal strikes.
Pronunciation |
Azz-DAR-jyah-mon |
Name Origin |
Azdaja, a being of pure evil and the polar opposite of a zmaj. |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Gargoyle |
Stage |
Ultimate |
Attribute |
Virus |
Height |
8'2" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
Azdajamon is similar to his prevolutions in personality; light-hearted and easy-going despite his horrific visage. He is a being whose morals are completely driven by his emotions, and he will be the first to rush into battle if his allies are threatened.
He has no qualms with releasing his full power against evil, and his self-sacrifical self can come across as both overly harsh and particularly brutish. While he remains in control of his destructive self at all costs, he can be overly aggressive and lose regard for the feelings of his comrades if he is pushed too far into a rage.
Attacks |
- Novus Tenebrae - Azdajamon retracts into a ball of savage shadow-matter, creating great blades, sickles and claws that rip and slash at his opponents. This attack naturally protects him, but can leave him disorientated.
- Circle of the Void - Azdajamon encircles his opponent with a ring of dark energy from his tail, forming a sphere that contains a dark dimension, which Azdajamon can manipulate at will and use to attack his opponents in his home terrain.
Trivia |
Azdajamon appears to exist on a seperate plane of existance; leaping and running through air as if through land and creating a dark arsenal at the merest thought. He is impervious to the effects of sunlight, but the darker his natural surroundings, the more nightmarish his appearance is.
Pronunciation |
Az-TRAY-us-mon |
Name Origin |
Astraeus, Greek Titan-god of dusk |
Family |
Nightmare Soldiers |
Type |
Dark Angel |
Stage |
Hybrid Mega |
Attribute |
Free |
Height |
7'8" |
Element |
Darkness |
Personality |
With two beings joined in harmony, Astraeusmon is finally at peace with his element. He's still destructive, powerful and a wicked fighter, but he is in complete control of his emotions and, as such, his heroic nature is given the chance to shine through.
He's a warrior of few words, relying more on his actions to show his feelings. He can be quite blunt when he does speak, although he does have a dry sense of humour. Between him and Eosmon, he is the more aggressive, but will rush to her and anyone else's aid at a moment's notice
Attacks |
- Cimmerian Phoenix - Astraeusmon summons a dragon of dark energy, which charges his opponent, blasting their data away with each impact.
- Fury of the Void - Astraeusmon calls forth a dark void that he can move like liquid, smothering his opponents and causing extra damage every time he strikes them.
- Shadow Nova - Astraeusmon launches a blast from his twin-headed spear, which causes an explosion of shadow, dissolving anything in its immediate vicinity and launching spears of darkness far and wide.
- Chaos Quetzal - A joint attack with Eosmon. Summons his Cimmerian Phoenix and combines it with her Empyrean Serpent to create a chaotic entity capable of obliterating their opponents from the inside out.
Trivia |
Astraeusmon is incredible agile and is a skilled melee fighter, but relies on his mastery over darkness to power up his attacks and cause an incredible amount of damage. He works best with Eosmon, the two of them synchronising their movements to come at their opponents from two directions at once.